Successful Test of V94.2-HAS (Hot Ambient Solution)

Performance Upgrade in Hot Ambient Condition in Kerman Combined Cycle Power Plant Hot Ambient Solution on V94.2 gas turbine Performance test and commissioning Successful performance test pilot unit of V94.2-HAS gas turbine Guaranteed performance achieved

Subsidiaries signed long-term agreement in power sector

TEHRAN – TUGA and PARTO, two MAPNA companies, and TURBOTEC Company along with NRI jointly announced the entry into a series of long-term agreements that amend the commercial and technological relationships between the four parties. The Agreements focus on: Long-term collaboration on new upgrading of Frame 9 heavy-duty gas turbine. A series of agreements relating […]

Unveiling of the outstanding results of V94.2 & F9 gas turbines

In an official meeting held in the presence of managers from TPPH along with OTC group, and presided over by the Energy Minister, outstanding results of upgrading the V94.2 and F9 gas turbines (HAS project) were put on display. The online Condition Monitoring and Asset Management Center of power plant units was also inaugurated. HAS […]

Ministry of Oil and Gas, Mr. Zangeneh Paid a visit to Turbotec and OTC group

On 13th Aban (4th November) Ministry of Oil and Gas, Mr. Zangeneh, paid a visit to Turbotec and OTC group’s modern shops of manufacturing IGT25 parts including the combustion chamber, core engine and packaging. – Founded in 1379, OTC has been pursuing the aim of playing an effective role in transferring technical knowledge of producing […]